Without "TAU lib" back function doesn't work. I don't want use the whole TAU lib because the really strange UI. But I have to use back function.
window.history.back(); not work...
Should I use the "location.replace();" ?? It's not efficient.
back.js is below.
( function () {
window.addEventListener('tizenhwkey', function( ev ) {
console.log('뒤로 가기');
if( ev.keyName === "back" ) {
var activePopup = document.querySelector( '.ui-popup-active' ),
page = document.getElementsByClassName( 'ui-page-active' )[0],
pageid = page ? page.id : "";
if( pageid === "mainpageList" && !activePopup) { //로그인화면에서 끄기?
try {
} catch (ignore) {
}else {
} );
} () );