I have an html page with animation on buttons using setTimeout. Now when i run my animation its works fine but when there is home button is pressed or there is call or there press a power button my app will be go to background state now when i resume my app i come to know that the sound go to pause state due to background-support=disable in config file but the animation is still runnig. My app is using only divs and that time i am unable to use pages and pages use focusin and focusout. My all app is working properly the only problem is the animation is not stopped when the app goes to "onhold" mode. Is there any background function or built in event in which i can check whether the home button is pressed or power button so on call of this function by system i can clear the timings of animations?Like background-support must be implemented in tizen so i want this option.
So is there any background function which i can call in my web app in js maually??