Number of Dynamic Boxes in one app


how many Dynamic boxes we can register in web application?



3 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi


In config file its allowing to add another Dynamic box, so i guess it supports only one dynamic box per app.

Lakshmi Grandhi

sorry, for typo error, its not allowing to add another dynamic box in config file

Yunchan Cho

Hi, I am s/w engineer to develop web dynamic box framework of tizen platform.

Currently, It's possible to register one more dynamic boxes in a web application.

For that, you have to add <tizen:app-wigdet> elments several times in  a config.xml like the following.

<tizen:app-widget id="1234abcDEF.DynamicBox.first" primary="true">
   <tizen:box-label>Web Dynamic Box 1st</tizen:box-label>
   <tizen:box-icon src="icon.png"/>
   <tizen:box-content src="app-widget/index1.html">
      <tizen:box-size preview="app-widget/preview-lb1-11.png">1x1</tizen:box-size>
      <tizen:pd src="pd/index1.html" width="720" height="200"/>
<tizen:app-widget id="1234abcDEF.DynamicBox.second" primary="false">
   <tizen:box-label>Web Dynamic Box 2nd</tizen:box-label>
   <tizen:box-icon src="icon.png"/>
   <tizen:box-content src="app-widget/index2.html">
      <tizen:pd src="pd/index2.html" width="720" height="250"/>


for more details, refer to