
No Push Notifications after Update to Tizen

I developed an Application for the Samsung Gear S3, which receives simple Text Messages from another Application. Please find all details about the application in the previous attached emails.

Everything worked very well until the software update last week. Last week I updated my Samsung Gear S3 to Tizen Since the update my application does not receive any notifications. I tested my application with another Samsung Gear S3 that uses Tizen and everything works fine and all push notifications are correctly received.

The following code handles the push notifications:

/* Define the error callback */
function errorCallback(response) {
     console.log('The following error occurred: ' +;

/* Define the registration success callback */
function registerSuccessCallback(id) {
     console.log('Registration succeeded with id: ' + id);

/* Define the state change callback */
function stateChangeCallback(state) {
     console.log('The state is changed to: ' + state);
     if (state === 'UNREGISTERED') {
            /* Request application registration */
            tizen.push.register(registerSuccessCallback, errorCallback);

/* Define the notification callback */
function notificationCallback(notification) {
     console.log("new notification received");

function initPushService() {
     /* Connect to push service */
     tizen.push.connect(stateChangeCallback, notificationCallback, errorCallback);

The console log does not include any error message during the push connection process, but the function “notificationCallback” is never called on the watch with Tizen Sometimes the watch receives the first notification after resetting the whole system on the watch. However, it is only one notification and reinstalling the application or rebooting the system does not help. Moreover, the watch with Tizen is continuously connected to the WiFi and the App has the correct permissions for the push notifications.


Do you have any idea why the Samsung Gear S3 with Tizen has these issues?