
Localstorage in Dynamic Box or Drop view


I use localstorage in my application, to save some settings information.

But from Dynamic Box or Drop view localstorage of this application is not available.

Is there a way around this limitation?


7 回复
Lakshmi Grandhi


I have tested it, its working  fine, can you please share your code to check the issue


Anna K

Hi Lakshmi,

Even I tried to use localstorage in application and its dynamic box. But the value set in localstorage by application is not reflected in the dynamicbox.

Could you please share your sample code?

Alexander AVSukhov


There is no way to share W3C data like localstorage and web sql between web app and its dynamic box.
Instead of that, you can use Widget Interface API to share any key/value between web app and its dynamic box.
For more information please refer to:


Lakshmi Grandhi

yes, i have use localStorage["name"] = "Hello";

and used to update dynamic box i have used

str = localStorage["name"]


Please let me know what you are really trying to access.



Anna K

Hi Lakshmi,

Thanks for your sample code. This works for localStorage access between dynamicbox and dropview. But there is no way to access application's localstorage and the dynamicbox's localstorage. Is there any way to do that?

I have to try the widget interface APIs.


Lakshmi Grandhi

yes Anna, i tried testing using widget.preferences its working fine, local storage is not supported between DynamicBox and APplication

Yunchan Cho

Hello, I am engineer developing tizen web dynamic box framework.

Currently, web app and its dynamic box can't share some w3c data like localstorage and cookie due to limitation of architecture.

But we have tried to support that functionality, so that we let the functionality be suppored later.

By that time, please use widget.preference for sharing some data between web app and its dynamic box (including drop view).