Localize App name

Hey folks,

I want to show different names (translations) of my app on home screen. So I added the the following attribut for English and German in my widget (config.xml):


<name xml:lang="en">English Name</name>

<name xml:lang="de">German Name</name>

It works well for the both languages but if change the language in settings to French, "(NULL)" is being shown as app name. It seems to support only English and German now.

How can I set a default language that should be shown if the specified attributes don't fit the set system language?

Edited on 18 03, 2014


4 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
In the config file, you have a default name tag as below, that should show up for all the other languages which are not defined, Like in the below case, except for English and German language, the app name will be "DefaultAppName". DefaultAppName English Name German Name Quickly checked this code and works fine for me, when i change to other languages.
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Formatted and copied the code here again, <name>DefaultAppName</name> <name xml:lang="en">English Name</name> <name xml:lang="de">German Name</name>
Thank you very much. It works very well. Another question: Is it possible to set an event for language change? Scenario is following: Steps 1. User is starting app 2. User is moving to settings but app is still on 3. User changing the language 4. User is coming back to app. I would like to detect the language change in Step 3 and load appropriate language file. So that user (in Step 4) is going to use the app in new language.
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Tizen supports jQuery events and there are no direct events to be heard on system language change. Alternatively, we can do a check for the language change (from browser) on pageload trigger and replace the corressponding UI element labels with re-initializing the page (with new language).