Installing App on Device


I have developed a hybrid application (a web wigdet and an tpk).

I am able to install the application on my developement phone. I have installed my distribution certification into the phone.



Now I want to share this application with my colleagues. The do not have my distribution certificate installed on their phone.

How can they install and test this application on their device ? any ideas ? Is my understanding right ?






4 Replies
Alex Dem

You could try to sent them *.tpk or *.wgt package (right click on Project->Build Package) and they could try to install package on device using sdb:
C:\tizen-sdk\tools>sdb -d install testApp.wgt
I suspect that all they need is sdb.exe on PC. And no necessity them to add Security Profiles in Tizen IDE or something else. All signatures should be inside package.

See also, regarding sdb:
p.s.Maybe I don't know something regarding latest firmwares of Samsung Z1 ,but it should not depend from device.

Shivanand PB

Hi Alex, 

Thanks for your response. I've tried the same, I get a signature invalid error.

blr-mp1jx:tools $ ./sdb -d install /Users/AwesomeDev/Projects/MyAwesomeApp/MyAwesomeApp.wgt
pulled          MyAwesomeApp.wgt    100%         21MB
1 file(s) pulled. 0 file(s) skipped.
/Users/AwesomeDev/Projects/MyAwesomeApp/MyAwesomeApp.wgt   8064 KB/s (22991642 bytes in 2.784s)
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/MyAwesomeApp.wgt
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UIGK3oVnhD] key[start] val[install]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UIGK3oVnhD] key[install_percent] val[4]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UIGK3oVnhD] key[install_percent] val[22]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UIGK3oVnhD] key[install_percent] val[27]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UIGK3oVnhD] key[install_percent] val[36]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UIGK3oVnhD] key[error] val[22]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UIGK3oVnhD] key[end] val[fail]
processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [4778]ms

Alex Dem

Is this error presented on your device (unable to install) or on another (remote) devices? (In any case you should have some certificate in your Tizen  IDE->Window-Preferences->Security profiles)
But I suppose that for the latest Samsung Z1 you should perform next steps:
1. download add-on
2. unzip the archive to folder and install
3. In IDE> Help->Help Contents additional section 'Certificates' will be added
4. You should perform steps mentioned there (request and add Certificates to Security Profiles 
5. During certification request all DUIDs of mobile phones which planned to be used should be included into certificate request

see topics also:
p.s. But I do not have information about your devices

Shivanand PB

Thanks Alex, your pointers were exactly what I neeed.