Importing custom themeroller CSS themes into Tizen JQuery Web Apps?

Hello -

I went here ;

And ran this :

I exported the modified results to get a new abcde set of swatches/themes.

When I swapped the "themeroller.css" into a Tizen web project, it didn't work.  I found that Tizen 2.0 web projects create a css file that is called  I compared this to the themeroller.css and found a large section at the end of the css that is prefaced with this comment :

    /* some unsets - more probably needed */

When I copied this section to the end of the themeroller.css file, it started to work.

Question: Does this make sense in terms of how the Tizen CSS is structured?

Thank You,


Edited on 18 03, 2014


1 Replies
Currently, Tizen web-ui-fw does not support jqm themeroller because there are extra winset sets and tizen theme which is different theme with jquerymobile. In future, theme roller will be provieded. If you want to use themeroller and jquery mobile, you can import jquerymobile directly and use the themeroller.