
Image slider in tizen


i want to create a image slider only using left right drag mouse event. for example--



7 Replies
Marco Buettner

Aha... where is the problem? The library should can do it :)

ashish kumar

i don't want to add any library only using jquery and javascript..

Marco Buettner

I can only say: HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!

You found a library for your project, why you dont want to use it?

I think nobody write a WHOLE library for you :)



I check your app and it seems work well using left to right drag event. So can you describe your problem.

ashish kumar

Hi vikram this is not my App i am trying to create same type of App in tizen using jquery & javascript..



Sorry, I thought it was your app. I think using the library is very convenience and if you want write by yourself it is a lot of work and hard

colin Rao

Seems it's a long story if you want to write such lib/plugin by yourself only base on jquery.

I think there are many similiar plugins for jquery. Try to find one and check in the source code.