HTML5 APP – Signature verify error : wrt-installer : z5y230BUS7.helloworld installation has failed – invalid signature.

Hi! Team.,

We are trying to install a html5-web app on to device. We created a sample "hello world app" using Tizen-SDK 2.2 and we tested the app on the emulator.

Same helloword.wgt file we are trying to install on to our device. I pushed the .wgt file to opt/app and then triggered " #wrt-installer -i /opt/apps/helloworld.wgt "

Following error is thrown, Please suggest us to resolve this error.

sh-4.1# wrt-installer -i helloworld.wgt
# wrt-installer #
# argc [3]
# argv[0] = [wrt-installer]
# argv[1] = [-i]
# argv[2] = [helloworld.wgt]
## [validate error]: [xmlSecOpenSSLX509StoreVerify(362)] : [x509-store] : [X509_verify_cert] : [crypto library function failed] [subj=/C=KR/ST=Suwon/L=Suwon/O=Tizen Test CA/OU=TTizen Distributor Test CA/C]
## [validate error]: [xmlSecOpenSSLX509StoreVerify(393)] : [x509-store] : [(null)] : [certificate is not yet valid] [err=9;msg=certificate is not yet valid]
## [validate error]: [xmlSecKeysMngrGetKey(1370)] : [(null)] : [xmlSecKeysMngrFindKey] : [xmlsec library function failed] [ ]
## [validate error]: [xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode(872)] : [(null)] : [(null)] : [key is not found] [ ]
## [validate error]: [xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode(566)] : [(null)] : [xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode] : [xmlsec library function failed] [ ]
## [validate error]: [xmlSecDSigCtxVerify(367)] : [(null)] : [xmlSecDSigCtxSigantureProcessNode] : [xmlsec library function failed] [ ]
## [validate error]: Signature verify error
## wrt-installer : z5y230BUS7.helloworld installation has failed - invalid signature.


Thanks in advance.,

Ganesh Kumar R.



6 Replies
konduri sai swathi


From the connection explorer, select the device and push the widget file into the /tmp folder. 

Then follow the below commands in the below commands :

1) sdb shell

2) su -

3) cd /tmp

4) wrt-installer -i yourapp.wgt

These steps will install your application on the device.

Ganesh Kumar R

Hi! Swathi.,

Thanks for a suggestion. I perform the same. But, That certificate error is resolved only after chaging the app permission & setting the current date n time on device.

But , Now some "-ace check failure" error is thorwn while app installating on device.

Kindly, help me to resolve this.

sh-4.1# wrt-installer -i helloworld.wgt
# wrt-installer #
# argc [3]
# argv[0] = [wrt-installer]
# argv[1] = [-i]
# argv[2] = [helloworld.wgt]
ERR<2067>:evas_main evas_object_smart.c:749 evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_set() Object 0x3f3450 is not stable during recalc loop
ERR<2067>:edje edje_util.c:3313 edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc() group icon has a non-fixed part 'uninstall_focus'. Adding 'fixed: 1 1;' to source EDC may help. Continuing discarding faulty part.
ERR<2067>:evas_main evas_object_smart.c:749 evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_set() Object 0x3f3450 is not stable during recalc loop
## wrt-installer : TtmYCYuqnb.HelloWorld installation has failed - ace check failure


Ganesh Kumar R

Any suggestion  ? Am in need.

talari praveen kumar


Try to install it through Tizen sdk 

talari praveen kumar


Try to install it through Tizen IDE

Ganesh Kumar R


My bad luck, sdb is not enabled on my device.

Am using minicom to get the sdb terminal & trying to intall an app.

without any tizen-fw it got installaed but while launch am tracking using strace.

Below logs are shown :
ERR<2525>: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/webkit2-efl-123997_0.11.82/Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/efl/ewk_view.cpp:2854 ewk_view_user_agent_set() safety check failed: userAgent == NULL
ERR<2525>: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/webkit2-efl-123997_0.11.82/Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/efl/EwkViewImpl.cpp:1384 deleteDataList() safety check failed: dataList == NULL

Any suggestion ?