
How do I filter the log from a Samsung Remote Test Lab device to see only the JavaScript log from my packaged web application

I have ported a web app to Tizen. I build the package from the command line with the "tizen package" command. I am able to install and run it on a Samsung Z3 in the RTL, but the log output zips by with messages from the system and other apps.  I can add a filter with the app name, but then no messages appear in the filtered view.


How do I actually view the JavaScript log from my app?


1 Replies
woongsuk cho

In many cases, application write a lot of personal information in the output log.

So, the application logging is enabled only when the application is launched in debug mode ("Debug As") to prevent leakage of personal information.

To see the JavaScript log, you have to launch application with debug mode ("Debug As") in the IDE and you can see the app log with filter "ConsoleMessage".