I make some code about popup's parameter.. and This code is works good...
tau.event.on(btnPopupElement, "tap", function(event){
popup.option("param1", document.getElementById("txtInput").value);
divPopupElement.addEventListener("popupafteropen", function(){
document.getElementById("txtPopup").value = popup.option("param1");
I want to make some code about changePage html page to html page('html page') ...
but, I don't know about it's way ...
tau.event.on(document.getElementById("moveNewPage"), "tap", function(event){
var options = {PARAM1:document.getElementById("txtInput").value};
tau.changePage("newpage.html", options); --> Is this right? or use like jQuery Mobile *** tau.changePage("newpage.html?param1=test", options); ***
// but newpagehtml?param1=test ==> It seems that this way is not good shape to use...
$("#newpage" ).on( "pageshow" , function(event) {
// I don't know how can I get txtInput.value from page1.html... It there formal way about file to file parameter send and receive..
// Is there any example of parameter sending and receiving at file to file .
thanks for reading...