Getting system language

Hey guys

Is it possible to get the language and region which set by user in settings (except "window.navigator.language")? 





Edited on 18 03, 2014


4 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi oguzhancansever,, You can get the values using native api's , there are no APIs supported for Web Application. But if you have locales for each language, the runtime of webapplication will take care of launching appropriate date based on the language selected in Settings.
Locales are useful however if you implement for more than 20 languages, it might cause a high workload. Thanks
Lakshmi Grandhi
yes, but the code will be clear and readable way, if developer wants any language specific changes he can implement it without work around
The localization is too time-intensive and not convenient if you are rendering your content by means of rendering engine. I'm just getting the language with window.navigator.language at start and load my language (json) files.