* Gear S2 Firmware JS interpreter ERROR! ( in HTML canvas from JS on EMULATOR and on real DEVICE S2 in same code)

huge difference in result screens with HTML canvas from JS on EMULATOR and on real DEVICE S2 ?


same condition,
same code ,

SDK Version : 2.4.0_Rev8 (Emulator S2)

Real S2 classic BT  SM-R732 (R732XXU2DPFB)


this part of code simple like this (I try different variants, but result the same):

for (jx = 1; jx <= 24; jx++) {
                //angle = (jx-1) * (Math.PI * 2) / 24;
    	        angle = DegToRad((jx-1) * 360 / 24);
                drawTextAlongArc(contextBase, jx.toString(), 180, 180, 145, (angle));
function drawTextAlongArc(contextT, str, centerX, centerY, radius, angle){
    contextT.translate(centerX, centerY);      
    contextT.font = 'bold 20px Courier';
    contextT.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
    contextT.translate(0, -1 * radius);                     
    contextT.fillText(str, 0, 0);                                       

function DegToRad(d) {
    // Converts degrees to radians
    return d * 0.0174532925199432957;

Attached 2 screenshot       1-24 is all ok  - is EMULATOR , ont ok - is S2 real

REAL S2  :  wrong numbers and angles !!!



Edited on 26 10, 2016


20 Replies
Denis Miroshnikov

Update:   If run debug on real S2 device and do Step by step all working fine !   and result is correct !

 how it possible?

Denis Miroshnikov



Emulator S2. , S3


Real device S2



Denis Miroshnikov

When i do debug on real device all typed OK  and correct   ((   how it possible?

Iqbal Hossain


You are using old version of Tizen SDK. Please try to use Android Studio 1.0.

And please check again the resolution you set for your emulator. Let me know the update.


Denis Miroshnikov

I'm use  Tizen Studio 1.0 last update ! and LOOK CAREFULY ->  in EMULATOR is ALL OK !

 but on real Gear S2(last update) is not ok!  code the same !


Denis Miroshnikov

Also is resolution is OK  360x360  result the same  sor S2 and S3 emilators bin's

Iqbal Hossain

Your code may contain some small issue. If you share the code, i will check it .


Denis Miroshnikov

code sample in the first message here , just add canvas 2D and html and css

Denis Miroshnikov

where is TIZEN SUPPORT ??????????????


Denis Miroshnikov

Yes, it's is my second topic .

because support not me answer and last update is:



1. Run this test on real Gear S
 all displayed correctly ! 

2. also make Factory reset on my Gear S2 BT classic and run again, but error still alive 
 and 1-24 displayed with errors placement and angles ((((

 WHY    ... kk  fkfkfkf  ?

Denis Miroshnikov


André Reus

I downloaded your code from link above.


And checked this on my Samsung Gear S2 classic 3G. It worked well as your emulator showing.  May be your device is Samsung Gear S2 classic. Thats why you are getting different result although "Code the Same". 


Iqbal Hossain


You can try to update the firmware. As far i know, there are at least two updates after yours ( R732XXU2DPFB ). 

For updating process, follow this link 


After updating fw., please deploy your app again and let me know. 



Denis Miroshnikov


Yes I can to do it , but my FW is last update for my region, also we try to run on another S2  sport and have same result with errors

i'ts is not a normal situation , is errors in JS interpreter  in last(that) official FW of S2 ! and SAMSUNG MUST


imgs S2 sport:




Aussi Guy

It seems you have tried it all. lets summarize:

1) Your wathface/html canvas appears "OK" in emulator and on real Gear S2 BT classic (in debug mode). Its "not OK" in release mode on Gear S2 BT classic (R732).

2) The resolution is set to 360x360. 

3) You have done factory reset on your Gear S2 BT classic and tried with another gear S2 sport (R720). Still "not OK".

4) It shows correctly on Gear S (R750).

5) Someone else tried your wathface/html canvas on their Gear S2 classic 3G (R735). It seems the result is OK. 


To narrow down, its showing "not OK" in Gear S2 BT classic and Gear S2 Sport (when built in release mode).  

So the firmware on the Gear S2 BT classic and Gear S2 Sport is your main suspect. I agree with you.


If you have the latest firmware installed (please confirm with your Local Samsung Serive Center), then you got to wait for the next firmware update and check again. 

I am sure if there is error in JS interpreter in last official FW of S2 BT classic & S2 Sport, Samsung will roll out the fix soon.

Denis Miroshnikov


  but I think, I(We) need to CONFIRM FROM SUMSUNG TEAM here and see REPLAY , what do U think?



Dear, Denis Miroshnikov

I'm ChangWoo Kim who works on GPU Driver for Tizen Product. This issue is fixed on latest binary but not release to public yet.

There was a bug on manipulating id of frame buffer object. It's only happen on GearS2 BT version device. Others device like GearS2 3G and GearS3 have different GPU Driver so this issue not happen.

Sorry for inconvenience, on next firmware update, you can see it works well


Thank you // Changwoo

Denis Miroshnikov

Thank you, nut i need to know time to release, because my project is stoped ( so much customers have BT version!)

and if you work on GPU driver please look this my another topic here :



my another project is JS WebGL realtime rendering APP for all Gears , and i have a lot of trouble with realization of WebGL on real device and Emulator in TStudio and SDKs . and a lot of difference in AOD  S2 and S3 etc ...


 if it possible, contact me in email for details,  please



Thank You



Denis Miroshnikov

Thank you, But I need to know time to release, because my project is stoped ( so much customers have BT version!)

and if you work on GPU driver please look this my another topic here :



my another project is JS WebGL realtime rendering APP for all Gears , and i have a lot of trouble with realization of WebGL on real device and Emulator in TStudio and SDKs . and a lot of difference in AOD  S2 and S3 etc ...


 if it possible, contact me in email for details,  please



Thank You
