Gear S – watchface simple mode ?


I have ported one of my Gear 2 Watchface apps to Gear S. It works fine in normal conditions but when the screen is turned on by hand movement, a simple digital wtach is shown (white on black). I believe this is a simple, low battery consuming mode on Gear S.

But I want to display my own watchface all the time. How can I do that ?




12 Replies
mekabe remain

I read in the UI Design Guide that this is "active state" or "always-on state" clock difference.

But  I can't find a clue on how to set my watch as active-state and disable going to the other (simple) clock.

Any ideas ?




Serg St

Duplicated post, same question here:

It is abnormal situation that 3rd party developers can change/inactive this simple mode.

With this situation custom watch faces doesn't make sense in Gear S...



Serg St

I mean that developers can't change this.

mekabe remain

how do you know that developers can't change this ?

on the preinstalled watchfaces , there are 2 faces.


Serg St

Preinstalled watchfaces are native applications developed by Samsung. In native watch face you can change this.

gerrit kleyn Winkel

There seems to be an app called "low energy clock" which does this.

is that a Samsung watch?

Christian Bauer

Ah, I've had the same question here:

That is of course sad, I don't know why I would even write a custom watch face if I can't see it all the time. This functionality should not be limited to native applications.

gerrit kleyn Winkel

It can't be true that we can not do this for our custom developped wathcfaces.

I don't bother asking Samsung support however, never got a serious/good answer from them in the past anyway.

Is anybody able to grab the wgt file that does this, we can have a look into it....




Christian Bauer

I haven't seen a non-Samsung application do this, what's the low energy clock you have found?

gerrit kleyn Winkel

Haven't seen it myself, I don't have a GearS.

Somebody mailed me if I could implement it as the "low energy clock" does.

that  is the name of the app.

mekabe remain

I have tried low energy clock.

All it does is make the clock awake. But it doesn't actually behave like the native apps.

Am I wrong ?


gerrit kleyn Winkel

I don't know, I dont have a Gear S to try it.