Gear 2 – Sockets and Tizen App Development

I have a gear 2 - but do not own a Samsung phone to "activate it" .   So at the moment I am stuck at the "activate with Gear Manager Loop".  Some people have suggested on the web to swing into a Best buy and use a note 3 to "activate it"

My goal is to rip that stupid loop out or bypass it and gain access to the real tizen platform below  where I can program data sockets to communicate with my cloud applications.  Buidling a UI, should be easy once I have proper OS/platform access.

I did the ROM mod to implment the Tizen Mod 3 - with Root and APK sideloading thinking this can bypass the first menu.  I got the ROM loaded successfully and now seee nice Tizen animations at the load up,,,,   but I have no further access to the device for programmability.

I am at the moment wanting to know if I can take more control of this device to do what I want.

I thought maybe I could bypass the initial pairing loop by dowloading my own app via the Wearable IDE but I do not see any connected devices....  I am not sure if the IDE deploys to device straight or proxys through a valid host with Gear manager.  


Edited on 09 10, 2014


5 Replies
Marco Buettner

Connect your gear to pc with usb cable start SDK ... If the device not showing on connection manager try

"sdb kill-server"

to restart the SDB

Neil Jubinville

Hi Marco, 

Well I tried your recommendation - it did not work...

Remember that I have not yet paired or connected to a Gear Manager application.  My Nexus 3 is a bit too old for Bluetooth 4.0 LE so I'd have some work to do flash on KitKat then load all the parts and pieces.  

When I run "sdb devices" I get an empty list.  I think that is because you have to first get into the device to turn on the USB debugging/

I stopped by a Wirelss store today and asked the clerk to pair it up to an S5 so I could get past the initial screen loop of pairing to a Gear Manager app.  I was reasonably impressed to continue the fight to gain power over this platform.

This worked until I got home and tried to add my own phone as a bluetooth connection.  The watch accepted the request.. but reset itself so now I am back at the loop start up screen....

SDK +kill server shows no devices in the IDE or restarts....  In device manager on Win 7 it shows "Samsung Composite Device"

Any idea on how to turf the screen loop at the start and run core Tizen apps?











Marco Buettner

Imo BT4.0LE is hardware depend sooo ... a newer android version will not change the problem. use on your profiles.xml for SAP as transport "BT" and not "BTLE" soo it use BT2.0 for connection.

The bigger problem is the incompatibility of non-samsung devices with Gear... Currently its not possible to connect your Gear with your Nexus 3... Only with Emulator is it possible

Stephan König

Hi Neil,

there seems to be some issues with sdb and win7. I also can't find any devices under win7. 
Also you have to enable usb-debugging first, so you need to pair your device to get access to this option on the gear.

If you get a firmware with usb-debugging active on start-up you can use the shell to kill the setup-wizard. But I'm not shure if there is such an image available.

Neil Jubinville

Marco,  it should be possible.  Once a conduit is established just create a new protocol and handlers... the phone side is all open, the trick is how low level can we go on the GEAR 2 and Tizen.  If we can do BT data then the rest should be history.

Stephan, I have not seen a ROM yet with that turned off.  I found out the magic key strokes to get past the start screen form XDA

I am now moving forward which is cool.
