Create webkit context was failed

Hi Everyone,

                    I'm trying to install my application in Tizen emulator but i'm getting error like "Create webkit context was failed". The application is developed using Html5 and Jquery in simulator its working fine but in emulator i'm getting this error.

can any one help me to solve this error.

Thanks in Advance.


Edited on 18 03, 2014


6 Replies
Raghu Kona
Hi Pratyusha, You should enable HW virtualization in order to run applications on emulator. You can refer If that does n't helps, would you follow the next steps and try to test it. 1. Start emulator. 2. Execute follow command on host shell after some time (SDB in guest should be launched). "$ [SDK_PATH]/tools/sdb root on" or just "$ sdb root on" on linux. 3. Run SDB shell. Click shell in emulator context menu. 4. Edit "/usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service" file on guest (In the SDB shell). Modify "Type=notify" to "Type=oneshot". 5. Close SDB shell. 6. Restart emulator. Regards, Raghu Kona
Lakshmi Prathyusha
Hi Raghu Kona, Thanks for your reply when i tried in another system i'm getting different error as "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $" . I'm using Html5 and Jquery for the apllication development. Thanks in Advance.
Raghu Kona
Which template have you selected while creating the project basic or jQuery Mobile or Tizen Web UI Framework?? A reference error normally indicates a missing library or link. Regards, Raghu Kona
Lakshmi Prathyusha
i'm using jQuery Mobile template but it works in Simulator not working emulator.
Alexander AVSukhov
Hi prathyusha, To enable hardware acceleration, try to install DDK And try to launch the web app again after the installation. See here for more info:
Lakshmi Prathyusha
Hi, still getting the same.Actually i downloaded the DDK but its not installing.Is this is the solution for this ?