I would like to create an event in the calendar with some pre-initialized information.
That's why I use the Edit operation from the Calendar AppControl on this page :
Whereas I can see many inputs (position, title, description...) when I try to manually create an event in the calendar, only two keys are available : item_type and item_id.
How can I pre-initialize all these values with the Calendar AppControl ?
Here is my code if it can help :
function createCalendarEvent(){
var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl("http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/social/edit",null,null,"tizen.calendar",
[ new tizen.ApplicationControlData("http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/social/item_type", [ "event" ])]);
tizen.application.launchAppControl(appControl, null,
function() {console.log("launch service succeeded");},
function(e) {console.log("launch service failed. Reason: " +e.name);});