chrome:does tizen web ui framwork support draggable() ?

If I use tizen-web-ui-fw, draggable() not work on chrome but jQuery template works fine. Is there any settings to make it draggable with tizen web ui framework?

On device, it is ok.  it pops up a context pop up to select "save image, .. drag" and able to drag. Does anyone know drag enable without the context popup?

PCのChromeでドラッグを可能にしようとdraggable()を使ってみましたが、JQuery templateだと動くのですが、Tizen Ui Frameworkだと動作しないようです。なにか設定があるのでしょうか.



Edited on 12 10, 2013


2 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi

You can get the context menu selection using mouse right click event, not sure how to enable draggable event, will check and let you know.

Naoya Yamamoto

thank you for your resonse.  now it is resolved by using jquery selector like this  $('#puzzle').children("li") to set each drag handler.