Cannot paste text from the clipboard

When we copy text from our own web app to the clipboard it works, but by using the "Paste" button (for example in the "Memo" app) we can paste only text from our "text input" fields. If we copy other text, for example from <p> or <div> fields, it is copied successfully but we can paste it only by opening the clipboard and selecting that text directly. OTOH, all text from the system web browser can be pasted using the "Paste" button.

Has anybody encountered this behavior? It appears to be a bug in Tizen OS but we are not sure (?) Can somobody kindly confirm?




2 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi



This is not a bug, it is expected behaviour.


Hi Lakshmi,

Thanks for your reply. If it's expected then nothing to worry about!

But to me it looks as unexpected to the user. For example he is now in his favorite app, and wants to copy & paste some text txt1 to mail to someone. He can copy it all right, but when he opens his mailer and tries to paste it using the "Paste" button, then txt2 which he copied before is being pasted. Then he has to delete txt2, open the Clipboard and paste txt1. Doesn't look to me as the desired way for the end user...