Troubleshooting app crashes on watch

I'm attempting to abstract code into a separate library to support both Tizen and WearOS apps. On my watch, my app is crashing, but I'm having a hard time telling just what the problem is.


I see the following line :


Info / SAND ( 3552 : 3552 ) : common.c: send_info_to_diag(330) > Diag app crash send success!! diag App data_set => {"TYPE":"CRASH", "NAME":"VisageTizenApp.dll", "VER":"1.0", "REASON":"App Crash"}


Where is that diagnostic info being sent to?



I also see these lines :


 Info / SAND ( 3552 : 3552 ) : crash.c: __signal_handler_crash(147) > catched a crash signal !
 Info / SAND ( 3552 : 3552 ) : crash.c: __signal_handler_crash(156) > cmd_name=VisageTizenApp.dll
 Info / SAND ( 3552 : 3552 ) : crash.c: __signal_handler_crash(157) > cmd_path=/usr/bin/dotnet-loader
 Info / SAND ( 3552 : 3552 ) : crash.c: __signal_handler_crash(158) > appid=org.tizen.example.VisageTizenApp
 Info / SAND ( 3552 : 3552 ) : crash.c: __signal_handler_crash(159) > pkgid=org.tizen.example.VisageTizenApp


I am assuming they mean the library dll isn't being loaded. The target framework for the library is netstandard2.0 - is that correct for Tizen?



Then I see this line :


Info / CRASH_MANAGER ( 3564 : 3564 ) : crash-manager.c: run(1296) > Report for pid 3304 created at /opt/usr/share/crash/dump//


I can't find the file referenced in the file browser within the Device Manager. Also, if I try to pull any file from my watch, it tells me "sdb connection error", even if I restart the sdb server from VS2019.


4 Replies
 Tizen .NET

You can get logs from Galaxy Watch.

  Enter *#9900# in Phone App of your Galaxy Watch.
  Select Run LOG_DUMP
  Log file is created in /opt/usr/media/debug.

You can get log file with sdb command(sdb pull /opt/usr/media/debug)



Is the LOG_DUMP going to be the same as what's displayed in the Device Manager application? What about the proper .Net framework version for Tizen?

 Tizen .NET

Included. If you share information about SW version and log file with us (, it would be helpful to find out the reason of this problem.


I sent an e-mail to that address, attaching the log dump zip file along with some version info details.