
SDB Problem


I installed tizen .net sdk preview on Visual Studio 2015 community edition. Everything works fine except debuging. When I hit start I got "Last error message: Failed to get sdb.exe program". In tizen options I set path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tizen\Tools but this not helps. I also point path to tizen-sdk and still not working. Sdb is not recognized by visual studio tizen tools :( Can some help me with this?


3 Replies
Mango Bar

Check whether "sdb.exe" exists or not in following path

 C:\Program Files(x86)\Tizen\Tools

Sebastian Haba

sdb.exe exists in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tizen\Tools 

Mango Bar

Set Tools path to Tizen folder only, not to Tools folder that you set.

Go to Tools --> Options --> Tizen --> Tools 

Tools Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tizen\

In my case it works fine.