
Adding a ServiceApp in Tizen Warable Xaml Application

I was searching for the main difference between Tizen Wearable App and Tizen Wearable Xaml App. Since I'm unable to reference the Tizen .NET service in the  project of Tizen Wearable Xaml Application because of target platform incompatibility.

What I observed about the target platform is:

  • Tizen Wearable Xaml Application has an extra project in the solution named [MyProjectName].Tizen.Wearable with target platform set to Tizen OS (Tizen 4.0 in my case) whereas the target platform of the original project [MyProjectName] is .NET 2.0
  • Tizen Wearable Application has just one project [MyProjectName] in the solution explorer which targets the Tizen OS.

I'm getting the following Error when I add the ServiceApp (DataCollectionService) reference in the [MyProjectName] (Sensors) project in the solution explorer of Tizen Wearable Xaml App

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1201 Project DataCollectionService is not compatible with netstandard2.0 (.NETStandard,Version=v2.0). Project DataCollectionService supports: tizen40 (Tizen,Version=v4.0) Sensors G:\Sensors\Sensors\Sensors\Sensors.csproj 1


Is it a good idea to add my Tizen .NET Service as a reference in [MyProjectName].Tizen.Wearable and launch the service from the Main program of that project ?

Edited by: Itban Saeed on 19 Aug, 2019
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2 Replies
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Tizen .NET

Could you check out the following two things?

  • TargetFramework of DataCollectionService project?


  • The version of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen (the latest version : v2.6.0.0 )

I hope this will help you. (If the latest version of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen is installed, there's no build error.)

Itban Saeed

Thanks a lot for the response. I'm following this tutorial and it works fine :)

Now trying to figure out if I can temporarily stop the service from app control object and then restart it again or not.