
windows 7 64 bit installation error

The installer is not able to retrieve the package list from the server...

server throws 403 error while trying to change the server as packages/official...

While installing with the image file... installer stops saying fatal error on running remove.BAT




Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 Replies
Sungho Park
Hi. Do you use proxy server on your Windows? If yes, please click setting buttong and set proxy information. If you get error again, please upload the install manager log file. Please refer to
Gopi Krishna V
I checked it... 11:31:27 [Trace] execute command => [cmd.exe, /C, C:\tizen-sdk\temp\Install.bat] 11:31:27 [Trace] STDERR> The system cannot find the file specified. 11:31:27 [Trace] STDOUT> "Set product's version (2.0.0)" 11:31:28 [Trace] STDERR> The system cannot find the file specified. 11:31:28 [Trace] STDERR> 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 11:31:28 [Trace] STDERR> operable program or batch file. 11:31:28 [Trace] Command exit code => 255 11:31:28 [Error] Installer.executeScript() install script error => C:\tizen-sdk\temp\Install.bat 11:31:28 [Error] Exit code => 255 11:31:28 [Error] Fatal error occurred while installing the Tizen SDK. 11:31:28 [Error] internal error occurred 11:31:28 [Excep] org.tizen.installmanager.core.IMFatalException: Fatal error occurred while installing the Tizen SDK. org.tizen.installmanager.core.IMFatalException: Fatal error occurred while installing the Tizen SDK. at org.tizen.installmanager.core.Installer.executeScript( at org.tizen.installmanager.core.Installer.executeInstallScript( at org.tizen.installmanager.core.Installer.install( at org.tizen.installmanager.core.InstallManager.install( at org.tizen.installmanager.core.InstallManager.install( at at at$ 11:31:28 [Trace] Set installation success: false 11:31:28 [Trace] finish install thread 11:31:28 [Trace] (un)installation failed