Hello I'm trying to download the SDK and TV extensions to develop on older Tizen TV devices.
So there is an archives page: https://developer.samsung.com/tv/develop/tools/tv-extension/archive
But none of the 2.3 downloads are available.
On the other side, clients and Samsung certification will require to support all the older Tizen devices.
It's ridiculous: if your latest SDK can't support older devices you MUST allow installing older SDKs.
Update: I've found the direct download location and recommend Studio 2.4 web-cli
- https://download.tizen.org/sdk/Installer/tizen-studio_2.4/
Install and add CLI to PATH:
C:\tizen-sdk\tools C:\tizen-sdk\tools\ide\bin
- Set developer mode and provide your computer IP
sdb connect device-IP tizen install -n package.wgt