Wearable-2.3.1-circle emulator does not launch

Nothing happens when I'm trying to press "Launch" in the emulator manager in order to launch the Wearable-2.3.1-circle emulator. I've read the emulator manager's logs but I can't understand the reasons of this failure. There are these logs:

[2017.7.23 4:19:45.907][FINE][FXMLVMTableViewController.clickLaunchButton] Click launch button
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.908][FINE][VMEventHandler.launch] Start progress indicator for launch: W-2.3.1-circle
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.909][FINE][FXMLVMTableViewController$1.changed] Show progress indicator
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.929][INFO][VMLauncher.getCommand] Starting Emulator Command : 
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.929][INFO][VMLauncher.getCommand] "/home/anton/tizen-studio/platforms/tizen-2.3.1/common/emulator/bin/" --conf "/home/anton/tizen-studio-data/emulator/vms/W-2.3.1-circle/vm_launch.conf"
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.929][INFO][VMLauncher.launchInternal] Command list for ProcessBuilder
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.929][INFO][VMLauncher.launchInternal] [/home/anton/tizen-studio/platforms/tizen-2.3.1/common/emulator/bin/, --conf, /home/anton/tizen-studio-data/emulator/vms/W-2.3.1-circle/vm_launch.conf]
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.971][FINE][VMEventHandler$7.completed] Stop progress indicator
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.976][WARNING][LaunchingMonitor.executeInternal] Emulator has been terminated in 8seconds.
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.976][WARNING][] Emulator is launched successfully, but it is not detected by RunningMonitor. Please Check about it.
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.977][FINE][FXMLVMTableViewController$7$] Change status of property: W-2.3.1-circle(READY)
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.980][FINE][FXMLVMTableViewController$1$] Hide progress indicator
[2017.7.23 4:19:45.980][FINE][FXMLVMTableViewController$7$] Change status of property: W-2.3.1-circle(READY)

I would be very grateful if someone would help me solve this problem.

Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, Tizen Studio 1.2.

Edited on 23 07, 2017


1 Replies
André Reus

hi Anton Rigin

What about other emulators ? 
Please make sure that your Package for Wearable 2.3.1 is intalled properly from Package Manager. If not intalled, please install that. And if already installed, then delete it and install again.