Tizen Studio 1.3 +Windows 10 64 with new update – emulators doesn’t work

emulators doesn t work


win10  64 ẃith update


Its work very slowly - test something is impossible

 CP and HW  is ON


10 Replies
Peter Wegner

I have only Windows 7... and using Desktop Hardware...

Ehm, okidoki... I am tooo lazy for now to test 1.3...



But your Windows 10 is on your Notebook/Laptop?

Or is this also Desktop Computer...


Only to be sure if this is Win 10 or other problem or special Notebook problem...


Best Regards

Kilim A

Only to be sure if this is Win 10 or other problem or special Notebook problem..Only to be sure if this is Win 10 or other problem or special Notebook problem..


 Thi is no problem of Laptop - becouse everything work fine before

 I wrote - TIZEN  studio 1.3 and new updade for windows 10

This is all

Peter Wegner

But you know.

Nobody here has Crytal Ball...


And to find the problem and maybe give usefully info...

MAYBE it is helpfull to differ between Notebook... and normal PC Hardware...


I have for instance Intel CPU... Nvidia Grfx Card... 8 GB RAM...


I know you are not since yesterday here... but common.

If you expect any kind of help you should give more details.


Only as info...


Best Regards

Kilim A


1 When I use Tizen SDK 2.3 on flash usb  with lubunta - everything work fine

2 earley - all time - there is no problem

3 updated  windows 10 and TS 1.3 - was in same time ( two days)

4 you say you have normal PC Hardware - and now have the same problem

5 Intel(R) HD Graphics (2112 Мб) Intel(R)_Pentium(R)_CPU_2020M_@_2.40GHz 8 GB RAM

Kilim A

There is good news for us and everybody.

  You or Tizen owe me tea with cakes)


  I updated the graphics driver - it did not affect our problem in any way.

  Then I noticed that the emulators are slowing down as there is no support  HW ( if it will be CPU VT  - OFF and GPU - OFF, but it all was ON)
  I just unchecked  GPU ON  in  emulator settings  ( it is became OFF) and Emulator started to works fine.

  You can try uncheck all GPU and CPU VT - and say how it is work.


Kilim A

Things above and else one thing... to emulator start to work

Kilim A

Sometimes this works sometimes ...
  I think this is a problem for a long time ..
It's connected with SDK

Kilim A

Will there be any support for emulators?

Kilim A

I do not even know if this information is useful or not.
  Will there be an answer ot not...
  It just scares sometimes that something changes without warning so that you can not work. and there are no answers to the questions

  Here is some addition, I spent time ( because I thought the reason was different - as GPU emulator's settings):


Emulator for Circle  Tizen 3

 It seems TV

 Mobile  ( I am not sure all)

  emulator for Gear S 2.3.1


Doesn't work -

  emulator for Gear S 2.3


Other I did not check..


 Hope it is help somebody...


Kilim A

 I think problem in win 10 update

After new update - emulator ( all) doesn't star...

Could Tizen here  help?