Tizen SDK 2.3.0beta accelerometer and cyroscope

Tizen SDK B 2.3 2.3.0beta
Build id: 20140902-1119 ALREADY has a function in the emulator MANAGER
Advansed option - accelerometer and Cyroscope
  But how these functions can be found in the emulator - it is not clear?
  Someone can tell?
  Or it
will be possible in the next version SDK...

Edited on 25 10, 2014


5 Replies
Alex Ashirov


It seems that you need to use Control Panel to generate Accelerometer and Gyro events:

1.     Start the Emulator.

2.     Right-click the Emulator and select Control Panel.

3.     Go-to Event injector->Sensor.

Kilim A



 Yes,  i need generate Accelerometer and Gyro events.

 And there is no some Accelerometer and Gyro menu ( Control Panel).

daniel kim


Accelerometer and Gyro menu of Control panel is available in Tizen mobile emulator.

Your screenshot is for Tizen wearable emulator. currently these functions are available for Tizen mobile emulator.


Kilim A

Do you mean it's the same things - test gyroscope for mobile Tizen and test gyroscope for Gear S ( Gear 2 not support device orientation events) ?

daniel kim

I mean that I can find the event injector of accelerometer and gryoscope in Tizen Mobile emulator only. there is no such menu in Tizen wearable emulator.