Tizen IDE on Windows XP


I know Windows XP isnt officially supported but has anyone successfully managed to run the SDK on XP ? Given Windows XP is still probably used by a good 30% of the desktop market, and the problem below appears to be solveable (the IDE launches and works fine in most respects, except for inability to create Native apps), would it be possible to figure out what might have gone wrong here? 

As soon as I launch it, it seems to give me an "Initializing SBI" error.

The log inside workspace/.metadata says this : 

!ENTRY 4 2 2015-03-01 13:12:31.843
!MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: "Initializing SBI".
    at org.tizen.tpklib.constants.TPKConstants.getSBIBinPath(
    at org.tizen.tpklib.constants.TPKConstants.<clinit>(
    at org.tizen.tpklib.TPK.createLog(
    at org.tizen.tpklib.TPK.<clinit>(
    at org.tizen.tpklib.model.PluginManager.<init>(
    at org.tizen.tpklib.model.PluginManager.getInstance(
    at org.tizen.nativecommon.Activator$
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at java.lang.StringBuffer.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at org.tizen.tpklib.lib.PathUtil.addPath(
    at org.tizen.tpklib.constants.SDKConstants.getInstallManagerConfigHomePath(
    at org.tizen.tpklib.constants.SDKConstants.<clinit>(
    ... 9 more

!ENTRY org.tizen.common.ui.Startup 1 0 2015-03-01 13:12:35.703
!MESSAGE SDK Information: Path [C:\tizen-sdk], Data Path [C:\tizen-sdk-data], Platform Path [C:\tizen-sdk\platforms\mobile-2.3]


Edited on 01 03, 2015


3 Replies
pradeep ramaiah

The main reason behind the ExceptionInInitializerError is that, when the compiler come across the unexpected situation that can not be handled 
the compiler will throw the above error. 

For example listed below ,when compiler come across the divide by zero situation,it says that the variable is not initialized properly so it throwsExceptionInInitializerError.

followed by the cause of exception ie "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" 

public class Demo {
        int i=1/0;         
    public static void main(String[] args) {

Need to check at line number 69.

Vulcan TheTerrible

Yes I thought it might be related to a path, so tried to set all sorts of environment variables to perhaps address the issue. My thinking went that perhaps the IDE hinges on a variable that is set implicitly in later versions of Windows but not on XP. 

Unfortunately it still doesnt work. Still stuck with a non-working IDE on XP.

Alex Dem

fyi,I did not remember exactly but it seems that since Tizen 2.3.0b (as I remember) such error appeared on Win XP. I have faced with problem to impossibility to create Native project .