Tizen emulator not starts



I have installed last TizenOS SDK - 2.1.04 from 18 May.

All projects compiled very good - none problems.

The problem is emulator. I created emulator profile by Emulator Manager like that:

- x86 standard

- GPU Enabled

- HW Virtualization disabled (my CPU dosen't support VT)

The emulator stops in booting state:

I can see:

Booting from ROM...

Decompressing Linux... Parsing ELF... done.

Booting the kernel.

From time to time screem makes black and after some time all back - the same mesages are shown.


I used previous version SDK. I had problems with compilation of Bada projects but Emulator started OK.

What is wrong with that emulator? Why it stops at boot state?


Thanks for any hint.





Edited on 18 03, 2014


54 Replies
Same problem. Running Ubuntu in virtual box with HW virtualization disabled.
Same problem also. Running Windows 7 64b versions. 2.0 worked ok. 2.1 installs ok, IDE works ok, but Emulator fails to launch phone all the way up. Missing also HW virtualization support from my computer. Did try uninstall, delete folders, reinstall Tizen 2.1 and didnt help. Case is identical to first post, phone boots up someway slowly, and then resets back to kernel loading.
From where i can get version 2.0 SDK? i couldn't find teh link on download page for same, can someone help here.
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi, I have raised a bugs since not able to analyze the issue https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TSDK-121 Kindly follow it for updates
Slawek Kowalski
Thanks Lakshmi. It is very urgent issue.
Marco Buettner
I have exactly the same issue!
The same problem with emulator. Tizen SDK 2.1.0 Windows 7 SP1 32-bit (x86)
Slawek Kowalski
I installed SDK 2.1.04 on systems: Windows 7 Pro 32 bit (no VT-x) and Windows 7 Pro 64 bit ( Core Duo 2 E4500 - no VT-x). My friend has installed last SDK on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit with Intel i-7 (very fresh CPU) and IDE and emulator work perfect every time. I am not sure but I suppose the emulator needs CPU with acceleration: https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/sdk/installing-sdk/hardware-accelerated-execution-manager But it is only optional feature!
Remy David
I have the same problem on Corei7 Windows 7 64bits PC
Slawek Kowalski
Emulator works now. I have put another CPU. Changed from Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 to Intel Core 2 Duo E8500. As I supposed, the problem is missing Virtualization. It is sad that developers are forced to change hardware to use tizen tools. Probably the issue will be fixed for next SDK.
I am facing same problem on windows vista[CPU dosen't support VT].
王 伟
My emulator also not start in ubuntu 12.04.
Vineet Tiwari
hi all many of us are facing same problem so we raised a bug so kindly follow the below link for updates https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TSDK-121
HI Vineet, thanks for help, can you please help me to find out the version 2.0 SDK, as people are claiming that its works fine w/o VT support, but i couldn't find the download link.
I guess you can get v2.0 from repository located at http://download.tizen.org/sdk/sdk-images/2.1/ Not sure if it would resolve the problem.
Sorry correct location for 2.0 is http://download.tizen.org/sdk/sdk-images/2.0/
Vu Nguyen
My emulator also not start in ubuntu 12.04. please help me to resolve this problem thanks
Same issue here. Probably it's due to missing VT-x support on my laptop processor. We need some solution fast, because without simulator and actual device I can't test anything so far.
SeokYeon Hwang
Would you follow the next steps and try to test it. 1. Start emulator. 2. Execute follow command on host shell after some time (SDB in guest should be launched). "$ [SDK_PATH]/tools/sdb root on" or just "$ sdb root on" on linux. 3. Run SDB shell. Click shell in emulator context menu. 4. Edit "/usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service" file on guest (In the SDB shell). Modify "Type=notify" to "Type=oneshot". 5. Close SDB shell. 6. Restart emulator. Thanks.
Lakshmi Grandhi
Thanks SeokYeon Hwang, Its working with the above steps
Viet-Anh Dinh
Sorry, can u explain the way to do this on Windows? I'm running Windows 8 32-bit and my Intel CPU doesn't support VT I did run Command Prompt and do "sdb root on" and it shows "Switched to 'root' account mode" I also ran SDB shell in step 3 but I could not understand step 4 Can u or any Windows user explain this for me? Thanks so much!!!
Raghu Kona
Hi, I tried editing the file using Vi editor, but seems like the editor is not working properly atleast on Windows SDK. As I myself was able to do this on Ubuntu. I suggest you to get the file, update and push it back to emulator. sdb pull /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service user-session@.service Edit it using Notepad++ or emacs editor (not notepad) and push it back Modify "Type=notify" to "Type=oneshot" sdb push user-session@.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service Now do a sdb shell and verify the changes using cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service Close SDB shell and restart emulator Regards, Raghu Kona
prakash light
Hi Viet-Anh Dinh, Have you received any solution to this problem, even I cant understand the step 4, if you have the solution please let me know. Thanks, Prakash
Dimitrios Pappas
I tried that but got stack at step 4. VI doesn't work. I cant move through the lines with "hjkl" keys or insert text.
prakash light
Hi SeokYeon Hwang, Hi Viet-Anh Dinh, I am also facing the same problem, I cant understand the step 4, please let me know how to rectify this problem in my winodws machine. I got two machine one with Windows Vista (Home Edition) and no support for Virtualization with above mentioned problem and other with Windows 7 64 bit wherein emulator does not even starts when I click it. Thanks, Prakash
Vivek Chandra Amancha

Even after 30 min I still get the following error when I execute sdb root on

error msg: target not found


Alex Ashirov


What OS do you use? Has emulator been started successfully before sdb root on?

Vivek Chandra Amancha

I am using 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS OS. My emulator doesn't start whenever I create it with my own compiled image.

Amar Nath

Hi SeokYeon Hwang
I am following the same steps  but  when i am trying to run 4th step in SDB shell ,it is showing following error

sh-4.3# /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service
sh: /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service: Permission denied

SeokYeon Hwang

You should edit the file instead of execute it.

Try "vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service"



Amar Nath

Thanks It worked ,But still i am getting a light blue screen on the emulator instead of modello homescreen.


Thanks to Lakshmi and SeokYeon, its working now after applying above changes.
Another problem occurs now. Previously I could run sdb shell while emulator was stuck at "Booting the kernel." and execute commands on it, but now I can't start sdb shell at all. sdb.exe returns "error: device not found" and right click in emu>shell returns "SDB is not ready. Please wait until the emu is completely boot up"
Lakshmi Grandhi
after restart , wait for some time around 4 to 5 min, then emulator starts launching
Ok, waited for some time, but all I got so far is black screen. It's booted completely but nothing is shown on screen. Tried to run some app but only error msg was displayed and app crashed. Is this normal behavior ?
Lakshmi Grandhi
No, it should run properly, can you share your emulator logs
christian carnero
Hi, I'm a begginer with Tizen SDK and I had the same problem I followed the above steps and now I have a black screen on my emulator.
Lakshmi Grandhi
try restarting your emulator, it should work.
Artyom Kuis
20 minutes was a black screen, then the inscription on the emulator "dbus-daemon not started" or something like that.
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi, Can you please upload your emulator logs in https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TSDK-121 bug in JIRA
$ cd tizen_sdk/tools $ sdb.exe shell $ su $ sed -i 's/notify/oneshot/g' /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service
$ cd tizen-sdk/tools
$ sdb.exe shell
$ su
$ sed -i 's/notify/oneshot/g' /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-session@.service
SeokYeon Hwang
Thanks, douglarek.
SeokYeon Hwang
Thanks, douglarek.
Yangang Han
Slawek Kowalski
I'm curious how emulator works for last SDK. Someone run emulator for Tizen 2.2? Does it still need VT-enabled CPU?
Dimitrios Pappas
I just installed SDK 2.2 and emulator works fine without cpu virtualization.
Slawek Kowalski
I have just installed 2.2. Emulator works very well. It seems it works a little faster then before. I upgraded my ref device to 2.2. Now works much faster - 2x at least. Really good job made be Tizen team. Don't know emulator work without VT - my CPU supports VT. Wifi works but can't use www browser - it closes after typing any url. Do you have the same issue?
somnath banik
I installed SDK 2.2 on Windows7 and on Windows8 also, but the emulator is not working. It hangs at "Booting the kernel". Both of my laptop doesn't have CPU VT How do I resolve this issue. Any suggestion please.
Vincent Xiao
i faced this issue on SDK 2.2 also, but it's working fine after follow above steps: "$ sdb root on" ; "sdb -d shell"
Peter Wegner
Win7 32 bit... After 10 minutes or maybe more Emulator successully booted... SDK 2.2 Very slow navigation... So maybe Emulator need more time for start... or this time more luck. Will check it again. Best Regards
Peter Wegner
My first PC has AMD CPU... No Hardware Support for both CPU VT + GPU... Second PC with Intel CPU... here I can see GPU enabled... but also no CPU VT... Hmmm... I could try 3. PC with newer Hardware... But for now on 2 PCs is Emulator unusable... extreme slow... No idea if on Linux or XP more luck... Maybe compatibility list of supported CPUs and GPUs are helpfull. To buy new Computer... :) Best Regards
Peter Wegner
Now I have found PC with CPU VT AND GPU support... CPU VT seems mandatory for Windows Accelleration... otherwise tooo slow. No idea if Linux on same PC faster for Tizen Emulator... not tested. But 2 of 3 of my PCs are unusable for Tizen SDK under Windows... because no CPU VT support... Tested only 32 bit Version of Tizen SDK 2.2... seems also run on my Win7 64 bit... Now I will download and test 64 bit version of Tizen... if little bit faster... Best Regards
Nguyen Huu Cuong

I got the same problem. I can not run the sdb shell, it said the sdb shell is not ready. How can i fix this problem?