Gear Fit2 is going to be a blockbuster, should be supported by the SDK imo
Marco Buettner
Marco Buettner
06 Jul 2016 03:53
I think that Gear Fit2 doesnt get support by Tizen SDK.
John Ixion
John Ixion
06 Jul 2016 11:26
exactly, Samsung is going to sell tons of this device but some bureaucrat has probably decided that it doesn't need third-party apps: that's how one idiot kills an ecosystem...
I've paid 200 euros for this highly capable device, which is strangled by Samsung's bureaucracy ... would be impossible with a similar Android device btw
John Ixion
John Ixion
07 Jul 2016 11:20
forgot: Gear Fit2 is my first Samsung device, will probably be the last...
Marco Buettner
Marco Buettner
07 Jul 2016 06:05
The Gear Fit2 is not a real smartwatch its just a simple fitness tracker... If u wanna more you have to buy another Gear-device, but not the Fit-Series
John Ixion
John Ixion
07 Jul 2016 07:55
Gear Fit2 is a real smartwatch: I simply don't like round screens.
note: Gear Fit2 has wifi (comparison website is incorrect)
Marco Buettner
Marco Buettner
08 Jul 2016 02:51
The Samsung website writes WiFi
802.11 b/g/n
John Ixion
John Ixion
08 Jul 2016 11:51
The main point is this: Samsung is trying to create a Tizen ecosystem but their best-selling Tizen device will not be supported by the SDK. I'm speechless...
John Ixion
John Ixion
15 Jul 2016 02:35
Can anyone from Samsung confirm this please:
"From the user’s perspective, now anyone can develop applications or watchfaces for the Gear Fit2, and users can download and use it – that’s because Tizen OS-related SDKs are provided and there is an app store. "