Tizen 2.0 connection explorer -error+ Problem with Emulators is still exists

Tizen 2.0 Windows 10 64

1.  have the errore with  connection explorer

  Baseline SDK is all installed



2. Problem with Emulators is  still exists


This is with all Emulators - exept circle 3.0

BUT I don't check all




11 Replies
Armaan-Ul- Islam

1. The functionalities of 'Connection Explorer' is now performed by 'Device Manager'.

Check out the 'Device Manager' from Tools > Device Manager.



2. Circle 3.0 emulator is a x86 based emulator.

p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120% x86 emulators use x86 architecture virtualization, making it much more efficient!! That's why it's performing faster. For 'arm-emulators' (non x86) you would need more powerful PC configuration (more powerful Hardware support and latest device drivers).

Kilim A

1.Thanks for  Device Manager . I would not have guessed so myself  about it

2. So. What is changed? Now  we need have another hardware to use 'arm-emulators' (non x86) ?

 But Release Tizen Studio 2.0:

Emulator To use the Tizen emulator, install an Intel VTx supported by the CPU, and the latest version of the graphic card driver provided by the vendor. Check the prerequisites for the Tizen emulator from Prerequisites for the Tizen Studio.

So What do you ( Tizen ) change with Emulators? I can use all divices emulators on old SDK 2.3.1, but after Tizen update or Win10 update  I can use only 3.0

 Is it normall?

Kilim A

about emulators I run 2.3.2 and 2.3.1  wearable circle Two  - non x86... 2.3.2. work fine  2.3.1 - not.....

or otherwise ...

 I don't Know...




Armaan-Ul- Islam

In My PC, both 2.3.1 wearable circle emulator and 2.3.2 wearable emulator are performing well. Unlike the scenario you shared on video.

My PC Config:

- Ubuntu 14.04LTS 64 bit

- intel Core i7 processor

- Memory (RAM): 8GB


For now, I would suggest you to work with 2.3.2 wearable emulator.



Kilim A

Hey, sombody from Tizen Studio Team - look up my video and read this top - Problem with Emulators

 This problem not only my

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Another Suggestion: Have you turned off the Hyper-V ? 'Hyper-V' is required to be turned off in order to run intel HAXM.


Go to Control Panel > Search 'Turn Windows Features On or Off' > UnCheck 'Hyper-V'  (Turn Off)


Then restart the PC. 'Intel HAXM' is by default installed with Tizen Studio IDE, which speed up the emulators. 

After restarting, Check If 'intel haxm' is running or not.

Go to 'cmd' & Enter command 'sc query intelhaxm'

It should be running & the output should be similar to:



Once intel HAXM is running, Emulators should be performing faster.

Kilim A

It doesn't help


before make what  you advice

 I update win10  and updaye Tizen Studio 2.0

 Uncheck  Hyper-V


'intel haxm' is running


The problem with 2.3.1 circle emulator is still exist...

Armaan-Ul- Islam

If that's the case, From my end I would suggest to deploy apps on '2.3.2 emulator'. '2.3.2 Emulator' is 'Tizen 2.3.1 application' compatible. I mean, whatever '2.3.2 Emulator' is responding you can expect more or less same behaviour from '2.3.1 Emulator'.

Kilim A

Yes of course I do it ..

I thought it will be useful for all

I do not understand the reason for the updates win 10 or Tizen 2...

Thank you

Kilim A

 I think problem in win 10 update

After new update - emulator ( all) doesn't star...

Could Tizen here  help?

Armaan-Ul- Islam

What's the Current Version number of Windows 10 after  update ?

You may share some emulator log, crash log or screenshot for detailed understanding.