
SDK instaling problem


When i install the SDK, the following problem:
11:29:03 [Trace] **** installer install start => native-ui-effect-builder, target => C:\tizen-sdk
11:29:03 [Trace] Unzip C:\Users\maxloo\AppData\Local\tizen-sdk-data\install-manager\binary\ to C:\tizen-sdk\temp
11:29:13 [Trace] Move temp to target
11:29:13 [Trace] Move from C:\tizen-sdk\temp\data\tools to C:\tizen-sdk\tools
11:29:13 [Trace] Move from C:\tizen-sdk\temp\data\tools\native-ui-effect-builder to C:\tizen-sdk\tools\native-ui-effect-builder
11:29:13 [Error] Platform not supported.
11:29:13 [Error] internal error occurred
11:29:13 [Excep] org.tizen.installmanager.core.IMFatalException: Platform not supported.
org.tizen.installmanager.core.IMFatalException: Platform not supported.
at org.tizen.installmanager.core.Installer.findMissingFiles(
at org.tizen.installmanager.core.Installer.install(
at org.tizen.installmanager.core.InstallManager.install(
at org.tizen.installmanager.core.InstallManager.install(
11:29:13 [Trace] Set installation success: false
11:29:13 [Trace] (un)installation failed
11:29:13 [Trace] finish install thread

Sincerely, maxloo.


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Hello Maxloo, From the logs, there are errors with the platform ("Platform not supported") on which you are trying to install. 11:29:13 [Excep] org.tizen.installmanager.core.IMFatalException: Platform not supported. org.tizen.installmanager.core.IMFatalException: Platform not supported. Can you please let us know the details of the platform you are trying to install on (windows version) ? Currently the SDK supports only Windows XP/7 (both 32/64 bit) for windows. Also suggest to check the Prerequisites or the system requirements to work on Tizen SDK.. Regards, Raghavendra
max loo
OS: Windows7, 64bit JRE: 7 version
Gleb Alekseev
I had the same issue. My walkaround was to install JRE: 6 version (side by side with 7)
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Ok, then ideally there shouldn't be any issue with the SDK installation on Win 7 (32/64 bit). Can you please let us know which SDK images are you using ?