SDK 2.1.0 can’t run the OpenGL ES project


I create a project just use the sample GlesCube.It can't run to the Device.
And I try the GlesCube11,GlesShader,they can't run to the Device and Emulator also.
But if i create the other sample projects like BasicApp,it run to the Device and Emulator well.
My project will use the OpenGL ES,so ,i worry aboat it can run to the Device.
Any clue how I can resolve this issue? Thanks. 

Here is the debug log When i run the GlesCube11 to the Device.


06-08 18:14:56.005 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : int OspMain(int, char **)(41) > Application started.
06-08 18:14:56.075 : ERROR / Tizen::Base ( 4540 : 4540 ) : result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(1112) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(47) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(47).
06-08 18:14:56.080 : ERROR / Tizen::Base ( 4540 : 4540 ) : result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(1112) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(47) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(47).
06-08 18:14:56.085 : ERROR / Tizen::Base ( 4540 : 4540 ) : result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(1112) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(47) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(47).
06-08 18:14:56.090 : ERROR / Tizen::Base::Collection ( 2526 : 2526 ) : virtual const Tizen::Base::Object* Tizen::Base::Collection::ArrayList::GetAt(int) const(241) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The index(2) MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number of elements(2).
06-08 18:14:56.095 : ERROR / Tizen::Base ( 4540 : 4540 ) : result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(1112) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(47) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(47).
06-08 18:14:56.110 : ERROR / Tizen::Io ( 4540 : 4540 ) : static bool Tizen::Io::File::IsFileExist(const Tizen::Base::String&)(300) > [E_INVALID_ARG] Given filePath length is zero or exceeds system limitations.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : ERROR / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : bool GlesCube11::InitEGL()(410) > [GlesCube11] eglGetDisplay() failed.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : bool GlesCube11::InitEGL()(432) > [GlesCube11] GlesCube11 can run on systems which supports OpenGL ES(R) 1.1.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : bool GlesCube11::InitEGL()(433) > [GlesCube11] When GlesCube11 does not correctly execute, there are a few reasons.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : bool GlesCube11::InitEGL()(435) > [GlesCube11]    1. The current device(real-target or emulator) does not support OpenGL ES(R) 1.1.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) :  Check the Release Notes.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : bool GlesCube11::InitEGL()(437) > [GlesCube11]    2. The system running on emulator cannot support OpenGL(R) 1.5 or later.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) :  Try with other system.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : bool GlesCube11::InitEGL()(439) > [GlesCube11]    3. The system running on emulator does not maintain the latest graphics driver.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) :  Update the graphics driver.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : ERROR / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : virtual bool GlesCube11::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &)(287) > [GlesCube11] GlesCube::InitEGL() failed.
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : virtual bool GlesCube11::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &)(313) > [GlesCube11] GlesCube11::OnAppInitializing eglError : 0
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : [GlesCube11] GlesCube11::OnAppInitializing glError : 0
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : [GlesCube11] GlesCube11::OnAppInitializing VENDOR : (null)
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : [GlesCube11] GlesCube11::OnAppInitializing GL_RENDERER : (null)
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : [GlesCube11] GlesCube11::OnAppInitializing GL_VERSION : (null)
06-08 18:14:56.145 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) :  
06-08 18:14:56.145 : ERROR / Tizen::App ( 4540 : 4540 ) : static bool Tizen::App::_AppImpl::OnCreate(void*)(233) > [E_INIT_FAILED] The initialization of your application failed.
06-08 18:14:56.460 : ERROR / Tizen::App ( 2526 : 2526 ) : result Tizen::App::_ContextManager::Unregister(int)(229) > Unknown pid(4540).
06-08 18:14:56.465 : INFO / TestGlesCube11 ( 4540 : 4540 ) : int OspMain(int, char **)(55) > Application finished.


Edited on 18 03, 2014


2 Replies
kz zhang
And I find something in the log. " 1. The current device(real-target or emulator) does not support OpenGL ES(R) 1.1. 2. The system running on emulator cannot support OpenGL(R) 1.5 or later. 3. The system running on emulator does not maintain the latest graphics driver. Update the graphics driver. " How can I Update the graphics driver? thanks
Tizenivi dev
Did you solve it? Just to check these steps, Did you enable hardware acceleration in emulator manager for gfx? check if necessary library dependent files are in /usr/lib. Also try building the apps in static mode if possible.