rich notification problem

Is there any change after gear update this time?? 

After updating, rich notification is not send to gear side no more. ( include gear s3 )

I already added permission below.

<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<uses-permission android:name=""/>


And the rich notification sample code that Samsung provided also have same problem. ( Rich notifications are never sent to gear )

My code is not changed... :-( 


I have no idea about this problem. :-(

Please help me..

Edited on 15 11, 2016


6 Replies
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Samsung Gear  Manager application regulates Rich Notifications sent to gear. Please verify whether the specific application trying to notify is permitted to do so. You may check the post....

TIZEN (Gear S2) Notifications are not appearing

Hyojin Kwon

My phone's gear manager is alredy latest version.

And some phone's receive my application's rich notification but some others are not. 

(include rich notification sample code's noti )


Is there any other permissions or allowance to use rich notification?

Armaan-Ul- Islam

To verify whether the specific application trying to notify is permitted to do so:

a) On your phone:

     Gear manager > Notifications> Manage Notifications > Select your specific app

b) Set 'Limit Notifications' to off.

      Gear manager > Notifications> Limit Notifications> Off

Limit Notifications Block notifications from appearing on the Gear while the phone is being used.

Adeilson Albuquerque

I'm get the same problem.

After Gear Manager and Tizen update to 2.3.2, some devices can't receive the notificiation.

I receive this exception in all devices:

W/System.err:     at
W/System.err:     at
W/System.err:     at
W/System.err:     at

Hyojin Kwon

This is exactly same as my problme.

Now Gear S2 can receive a rich notification, but Gear S3 still not receiving that.

Adeilson Albuquerque

Hi Hyojin,

This is certainly a bug of the last update.

I removed the Gear Manager from my android device and installed it again. Mandatoryly, your Gear will be reset.
After resetting, notifications by rich notification have returned to my GearS2.

Its not good news, because the user doesnt know this "solution".