While the steps how to create and register own certificate are well documented, I fail to create a new certificate that is accepted by the device/emulator. It has been seen earlier that there are many things that can go wrong (see notes), and obviously I'm missing something in here.
- If certificate is created with JDK 1.6, the certificate is considered invalid
- If device/emulator clock is in the past, the certificate is considered invalid
- I've created certificate both with CLI and IDE, but package created with
- I do have a valid certificate that works (so the issue is not in packaging process), but now I wanted to sign package with different p12 certificate
- If device is running Tizen 2.2.0, can SDK 2.2.1 be used for creating package (however, installing SDK 2.2.1 signed package cannot be installed in 2.2.1 emulator)? How about SDK 2.2.1 vs. Tizen 2.1?
- What are other things that might affect on package signing?
- What is the algorithm for hashing the password in profiles.xml? Currently I'm copying the relevant parts from IDE generated profiles.xml into version control.
References / similar issues:
- https://developer.tizen.org/forums/sdk-ide/web-application-signing-cli
- https://developer.tizen.org/forums/sdk-ide/cli-certified-package-considered-invalid-33