launching for tizen sdk to emulator


1)i create one sample app like Hello world and EventManger  using tizen IDE and am trying run and debug it's not complet validating only 91%  after that it's not moving.

2)i try to run as tizen web emulater it's showing  "please select the target (emulater or device) for lanching the application"

 for that i opend emulater create new and i gave name created and lanched but it's showing phone icon. but form project it's not launching 

can you please any help






Edited on 18 03, 2014


4 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi Kalyani, Are you able to see emulator in connection explorer after launching emulator.
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi Kalyani, Are you able to see emulator in connection explorer after launching emulator.
kalyani M
Thanks lakshmi for ur help it's working am running sample apps now. but while creating new app's error are comming in config.xml file
It will be good to share error details so it will help to analyze your issue.