Initialization of device maru-tuner-decoder failed: Device initialization failed


I' very new in tizen development. Just now i installed SDK (with intel XAHM) on my Win7x64 machine and tryed to start emulator

When emulator start it throws this error. What should i do to launch it?

-device maru-virtual-tuner,system=ATSC,country=USA,table=C:\tizen-studio-data\emulator\vms\t-0608-1\tuner_default.cfg,stillimg=C:\tizen-studio\platforms\tizen-3.0\tv-samsung\emulator-resources\images,wsi=vigs_wsi: Initialization of device maru-tuner-decoder failed: Device initialization failed



2 Replies
Armaan-Ul- Islam

# CheckList 1:

Please check the 'tuner_default.cfg' file exists on your file directory:


If yes,


# CheckList 2:

Go to 'Control Panel' > Windows Firewall > Turn Windows Firewall On/Off >

  • Uncheck Block all incomming connections, including those in list of allowed programs
  • Check Notify me when windows Firewall blocks a new program

If any Pop up appears, Click 'Allow access'.

Even if the issue exists, 'Turn off Windows Firewall' once for test purpose and Launch Emulator.


# CheckList 3:

Start > Run > cmd


java -version

check if java runtime exists o your machine and the version is arround 1.8,

(Oracle JDK8)


# CheckList 4:

Take a look on the Emulator Prerequisites and whether you do met them or not.



peng yin

make sure GPU is "ON", if you can not enable you GPU, just disable maru-virtual-tuner device in vm_launch.conf