How to linkage Tizen SDK and Apache Tomcat?

How to linkage Tizen SDK and Apache Tomcat?

타이젠 sdk에서 톰캣을 연동시키고 싶습니다. 

이클립스는 window->preference->server에서 추가하는 것으로 알고있는데 

타이젠sdk에서 똑같은 과정으로 연동시키려하니 톰캣 서버목록이 아예 뜨지 않습니다...


4 Replies
Iqbal Hossain

If you are developing a web application something like Quora, Facebook, Google etc. This app should be accessible to the out side world through the Internet or Intranet.  So you  develop application in your system. To access your application to the outside world you need a server. That server can be your Apache Tomcat. 

For more about Tomcat --> 
But why do you need Tomcat and Tizen SDK linkage ? can you be more specific?



Thanks for your response! I'm developing Tizen Web Application and going to use MySQL database through Apache Tomcat server. 

Then it have to control or use API data stored in MySQL on the web app project.

Iqbal Hossain

After completing the development how will you manage that ...what is your plan ?