Help with sdk/ide predictive text/auto fill – how to turn on

i have been watching tutorial videos online and notice alot of them had auto fill/ predictive text feature when typing functions or libraries . however, when i type in a function the small window with options doesnt appear. How do i turn it on?

Tizen Studio 1.0.1


2 Replies
Mango Bar

By default Auto-Activation is enabled in Tizen Studio and default key is Ctrl+Space.

If it is disabled in your IDE , then you can activate this feature in Tizen Studio. Goto

Window --> Preferences --> C/C++ --> Editor --> Content Assist

and enable all the check box of Auto-Activation section.

To see your IDE auto suggession key go to

 Window --> Preferences --> General --> Keys 

 Now find the "Content Assist" command from the list. You will see key name in Binding coloumn of the list.

I am adding screenshot for your convenience.

Mark Stoge

Using other IDE's, suggestions are envoked automatically.  Your answer made me realize it has to be envoked by'Ctrl+space'. 


Thank you