Does the simulator of the Tizen Studio 2.1 support Webapis?
Hi, I'm developing an application for Tizen. The application uses the "webapis.js". I'm using Tizen Studio 2.1 and TV extension 4.0 for the app. When I start my application on the Samsung TV Simulator, it doesn't work correctly. WebInspector gives me the error: "$WEBAPIS/webapis/webapis.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" Does the simulator support WebApis? What I have to do if it's not?
Edited on 20 01, 2018


1 Replies
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Yes, Error message is the same on My Simulator:




Most Probably the Webapi API is only supported in Samsung real TV devices, If that's the case then wepapis.js resides in real Samsung TVs.