Celluar Radio Info

Hello, I am new in the comunity and I have taken a first look at the current API. From a Network analysis and QoS prespective It's fine to have found detailled call status and other valuable network information. However I could not find the typical and usefull RSCP or any other coverage value in the cellular network. From my point of view I think this is a interesting information for the variety of network coverage apps in other platforms. 

Is there any possibility for values such as RSCP to be included in future versions of the API?

Thank you.

Edited on 18 03, 2014


2 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Hello Angel Bartomeu, The current Tizen API's doesn't provide information on RSCP. Tizen provides an interface "SystemInfoCellularNetwork" for Cellular properties. Please refer the interface under Device API - SystemInfo for more information on the supported cellular attributes. There are many features being added with every Tizen release , so suggest to look at the release notes for the Future Tizen releases. Thanks, Raghavendra
Ángel Bartomeu Bonillo
I started my first message by saying that "It's fine to have found detailled call status and other valuable network information". Now I just realized that this information I mentioned has been removed from the API. Will this information be provided again in future versions? Data like endReason has a lot of value and has been removed. Thanks.