Cannot create a new app because Finish button does not work

[Steps to reproduce]
1. Open Tizen Studio
2. Go to File, New, Tizen Project
3. Select Template and click Next button
4. Select Mobile (Mobile v3.0) and click Next button
5. Select Native Application (C / C++) and click Next button
6. Select Basic UI and click Next button
7. Set a Project name and Package ID
8. Hit Finish button

[Expected result]
App created

[Actual Result]
When you click Finish button nothing happens and App is not created

Ubuntu 16.05
Tizen Studio 1.1.1


1 Replies
Shaswati Saha

You may try to delete the package 3.0 Mobile and install it again.

Hope it'll help you. Please mark this post as the Best to promote to others if it helps.