Cannot build wgt from web project using CLI

I am working on trying to set up a set process for automating our builds via command line. I have followed the instructions for the CLI on 

I have set up bash profile with appropriate variables and paths.I then create a project

tizen create web-project -p tv-samsung-public-2.4 -t BasicEmptyProject -n fooproject

 I then created a security profile. It is saved where the documentation says it should be. Here is them message I got In Configuration,

Set a default profile path to '/Users/ahujsak/tizen-sdk-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml'. Wrote to '/Users//tizen-sdk-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml'. Succeed to add 'funkyducky' profile. If want to sign by this, add the file of security profiles in CLI configuration like 'tizen cli-config "profiles.path=/Users/ahujsak/tizen-sdk-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml"'

.I then ran

tizen cli-config -g "profiles.path=/Users/ahujsak/tizen-sdk-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml” 

I am one in the parent directory to my project All I want to do is create a .wgt

I have tried several version of the following command tizen package

 -t wgt --sign funkyducky -- fooproject 


this is the result

----------------------------------------------------- Starting package ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Finished package

Nothing is created.

1. So do I need to have a native project to run command line to convert a web project into a wgt?

2 Is the issue that I do not have a tpk file?

3. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

I am able to create a wgt from a web project if I use the SDK eclipse IDE, but I want to do all this with the CLI.


4 Replies
Armaan-Ul- Islam


I am sharing the steps I have gone through to succesfully build wgt file. It may help you to find any missing step...

.tpk/native project platform is not necessary for tizen web project.

1.List CLI configuration options for which values are set : (Before registering security profile)

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen cli-config -l


Starting cli-config
Finished cli-config

2. List available project templates:

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen list web-project

3.Create tizen web project:

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen create web-project -p mobile-2.4 -t WebBasicApplication -n basic123 -- /home/armaan/cli-workspace

4. Clean Project:

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen clean -- /home/armaan/cli-workspace/basic123

5. Build the project:

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen build-web -- /home/armaan/cli-workspace/basic123

6. Generate Certificate:

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen certificate -a MyTizen123 -p 123 -f mycert123

7.Add security profile:

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen security-profiles add -n MyProfile123 -a ~/cli-data/keystore/author/mycert123.p12 -p 123


Starting add
No exist the default path of security profiles.
author path: /home/armaan/cli-data/keystore/author/mycert123.p12
author password: ***
distributor1 path: /home/armaan/cli/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-signer.p12
distributor1 password: *************************
distributor1 CA path: /home/armaan/cli/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-ca.cer

In Configuration, Set a default profile path to '/home/armaan/cli-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml'.
Wrote to '/home/armaan/cli-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml'.
Succeed to add 'MyProfile123' profile.
If want to sign by this, add the file of security profiles in CLI configuration
  like 'tizen cli-config "profiles.path=/home/armaan/cli-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml"'.
Finished add

8. Set up path of the profiles.xml :

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen cli-config -g default.profiles.path=/home/armaan/cli-data/ide/keystore/profiles.xml

9. List CLI configuration options for which values are set : (After registering security profile)

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen cli-config -l


Starting cli-config
Finished cli-config

10. Package the tizen application :

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen package --type wgt --sign MyProfile123 -- /home/armaan/cli-workspace/basic123/.buildResult


Starting package
Author certficate: /home/armaan/cli-data/keystore/author/mycert123.p12
Distributor1 certificate : /home/armaan/cli/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-signer.p12
Excludes File Pattern: {.manifest.tmp, .delta.lst}
Ignore File: /home/armaan/cli-workspace/basic123/.buildResult/.manifest.tmp
Package File Location: /home/armaan/cli-workspace/basic123/.buildResult/basic123.wgt
Finished package

List command:


armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ ls /home/armaan/cli-workspace/basic123/.buildResult



author-signature.xml  config.xml  icon.png  index.html  signature1.xml
basic123.wgt          css         images    js

Thank you.

Allen Hujsak

Thank you for your response. I wanted to do exactly what you had set out to do to see where I have an issue. 

Here is the steps that I took. 

There was one are that was different and that was the type of the web project being set up:

Step 1: 

tizen cli-config -l


Starting cli-config
Finished cli-config

Step 2: 

tizen list web-project


Starting web-project

[PROFILE]            [TEMPLATE]
mobile-2.3           WebSinglePageApplication
mobile-2.3           WebBasicApplication
mobile-2.3           WebNavigationApplication
mobile-2.3           WebMasterDetailApplication
mobile-2.3           WebMultiPageApplication
mobile-2.3.1         WebBasicApplication
mobile-2.4           WebBasicApplication
tv-2.4               WebBasicapplication
tv-samsung-public-2.4 jQueryMobileNavigationApplication
tv-samsung-public-2.4 jQueryMobileSinglePageApplication
tv-samsung-public-2.4 jQueryMobileMultiPageApplication
tv-samsung-public-2.4 BasicEmptyProject
tv-samsung-public-2.4 BasicBasicProject
tv-samsung-public-2.4 CaphCaph3.1EmptyTemplateforAngularJS
tv-samsung-public-2.4 CaphCaph3.1EmptyTemplateforjQuery
tv-samsung-public-2.4 jQueryMobileMasterDetailApplication
wearable-2.3         WebjQuerytemplate
wearable-2.3         WebBasicapplication
wearable-2.3         WebWebIMEapplication
wearable-2.3         WebWebServiceApplication
wearable-2.3.1       WebWebIMEapplication
wearable-2.3.1       WebBasicapplication

Step 3. Create Project 

tizen create web-project -p tv-samsung-public-2.4 -t BasicEmptyProject -n happy


Starting web-project

Project Location: /Users/ahujsak/workspace/happy
Finished web-project

Project was created and the files are in the happy folder 

When I attemp to clean the project it can not be found? There has to be something is easy 

tizen clean -- happy/

tizen clean -- /Users/ahujsak/workspace/happy


Result : 

Starting clean

There is no directory to clean.
Finished clean

Any additional thoughts would be very welcome. 

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Okay. Please build the app first.

tizen build-web -- /Users/ahujsak/workspace/happy

Output would be like:

Starting build-web

Build Web Application:  100% (10/10)


Output path:/home/armaan/cli-workspace/basic45/.buildResult
Excluded: [.build/*, .build, .sign/*, .sign, webUnitTest/*, webUnitTest, .externalToolBuilders/*, .externalToolBuilders, .buildResult/*, .buildResult, .settings/*, .settings, .package/*, .package, .tproject, .project,, .rds_delta, *.wgt, .tizen-ui-builder-tool.xml]
Finished build-web

Total time: 00:00:00.447

Then clean the project

armaan@Armaan-1404:~$ tizen clean -- /Users/ahujsak/workspace/happy

Expected Output:

Starting clean

web-app clean success.
Finished clean

Then follow step 6 to 10 (mentioned above).

 If found helpful Please mark it as the Best Answer to promote & help others to solve similar issues.

Phil rzr

Have you then manage to use tizen run on a commercialized device ? I think we need to install (or push) an xml file somewhere on target

but there is no CLI SDK option to do this ? Can cert-add-on be used with CLI SDK ?

Stay tunned
