1. Invoking the wifi_manager_scan() function results in an invalid error.
How shall I do it?
wifi_manager_scan() 함수를 호출하면 Invalid argument 오류가 발생합니다.
어떻게 하면 좋을 까요?
* called by _wifi_scan_finished_cb()
static void _wifi_scan_found_ap(wifi_manager_ap_h ap, void *user_data)
afn_log("***** _wifi_scan_found_ap()---------------------------------");
* called by afn_wifi_manager_scan()
void _wifi_scan_finished_cb(wifi_manager_error_e error_code, void *user_data)
afn_log("***** _wifi_scan_finished_cb() -------------------------------------");
error_code = wifi_manager_foreach_found_ap(wifi_manager, (wifi_manager_found_ap_cb)_wifi_scan_found_ap, user_data);
if (error_code != WIFI_MANAGER_ERROR_NONE){
afn_logv_error("***** _wifi_scan_finished_cb failed with error %s --------", get_error_message(error_code));
* Search for the surrounding wifi ap.
int afn_wifi_manager_scan(void *user_data)
afn_log("***** afn_wifi_manager_scan() ------------------");
int ret = wifi_manager_scan(wifi_manager, (wifi_manager_scan_finished_cb)_wifi_scan_finished_cb, user_data);
afn_logv_error("***** wifi manager scan is failed with %s ---", get_error_message(ret));
return ret;
2. wifi_manager_config_create() failed with error [-22] Invalid argument
Invoking the wifi_manager_config_create() function also generates an invalid error.
What's the problem?
Thank you.
wifi_manager_config_create() 함수를 호출하면 Invalid argument 오류가 발생합니다.
무슨 문제가 있는 걸까요?
char *name = "name";
char *passphrase = "name1234";
wifi_manager_security_type_e security_type = WIFI_MANAGER_SECURITY_TYPE_WPA_PSK;
//Gets access point configuration handle.
int ret = wifi_manager_config_create(manager, name, passphrase, security_type, &wifi_config);
afn_logv_error("***** wifi_manager_config_create() failed with error [%d] %s ------", ret, get_error_message(ret));