why don’t use GLView and Evas gl in gear s2 classic 3G (recently update)

below is app_create function  in watch application. (not UI application)


in "glview: use case: 


Evas_Object *gl;




 evas_object_resize(ad->_win, width, height);


 gl = elm_glview_add(ad->_conform);  //  crash. !!!!! 


log : ERROR / EFL ( 15457 : 15457 ) : evas-gl_x11<15457> evas_engine.c:394 evgl_eng_make_current() eglMakeCurrent() failed! Error Code=0x300


in "evasgl" use case:


    ad->cfg = evas_gl_config_new();
    ad->cfg->color_format = EVAS_GL_RGBA_8888;
    ad->cfg->depth_bits = EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_24;
    ad->cfg->stencil_bits = EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_8;
    ad->cfg->options_bits = EVAS_GL_OPTIONS_NONE;

    Evas_Coord w,h;
    evas_object_geometry_get(ad->_win, NULL, NULL, &ad->surface_w, &ad->surface_h);
    ad->evasgl = evas_gl_new(evas_object_evas_get(ad->_win));

    ad->sfc = evas_gl_surface_create(ad->evasgl, ad->cfg, ad->surface_w, ad->surface_h);
    ad->ctx = evas_gl_context_create(ad->evasgl, NULL);

sfc, ctx value return NULL. but evasgl pointer value is correct. also surface_w, surface_h.



i think... gear s2 classic don't make a gl surface.  

but before recently  firmware update,  that work normally...

have any idea how to avoid this situation ?  

Edited on 20 07, 2016


2 Replies
Shaswati Saha


Please share your current Software version. Another thing, did you try running the online sample applications related to "glview" and "evasgl" in the current version? Are they running correctly?

jaewon jung
Thanks a lot for your answer.
i try to run "glview" and "evasgl" sample in the lastest version, but it has same condition....
in Gear s2 (not 3G model), it works properly. 
That's as maybe, chipset firmware issue.
[Gear s2 3G]
chipset : MSM8x26
model number : SM-R735S
software version : R735SKSU1CPG1