
Tizen native app and git

Hi all, 

i'm going to share my application on a git server, in order to share it across my various computers. 

Now the question is which files/folder to share?

At the moment i shared the following files and folders:

  • inc
  • res
  • shared
  • src - With the exception of managed folder
  • tizen-manifest.xml
  • shared/res


So my question is: are the enough? I see also other hidden files i.e. .cproject, .exportMap, .tproject etc. Should i include some of them?  What about the project_def.prop file?



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11 Replies
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André Reus

If you use .gitignore, it would be much easier to manage the project. Then your confusion about what to share and what not share will be gone. 

Typically .gitignore file may contain these,


Also follow this thread

Ivan Gualandri

Perfect, Thank you.

Ivan Gualandri

What i'm not sure about, is the managed folder, that is a folder that is generated by the UI Builder (i suppose). 

This folder should be shared on git? Or not?

André Reus

You may try like this 

  1. /lib/*
Ivan Gualandri

Yeah, but what about this folder: 



André Reus

Do you want to ignore the contents of managed folder? If that, follow previous comment



Ivan Gualandri

Probably my question was not clear. 

What i want to know is if i "should" ignore the managed folder, not how to do it.

My understanding about that folder is that it is generated by the uibuilder. So i was wondering if it is needed to be kept under version control, or can be safely ignored.

André Reus

If you ignore the UIBuilder generated code and commit....Then your team member will not get these code. If he/she wants to run the project then what will happen? Error! 

Ivan Gualandri

I was expecting that the other team member tizen studio generates that code. 

André Reus

Then have a try !!! And update us here

Ivan Gualandri

Ok, i tried to delete the managed folder from my project, and as soon as refreshed it, that folder was recreated, So i suppose that maybe is not necessary to save it in git!