
[Tizen 2.3.2] [WiFi] How to connect to hidden AP

Does anybody know how to connect to hidden network using Native API on Gear S3 or Gear Fit2?


    int ret = WIFI_ERROR_NONE;
    ret = wifi_ap_hidden_create("blahblah", &ap);
    if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("wifi_ap_create failed %d", ret);

    ret = wifi_ap_set_security_type(ap, WIFI_SECURITY_TYPE_WPA2_PSK);
    if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("wifi_ap_set_security_type failed %s", get_error_message(ret));

    bool required = false;
    ret = wifi_ap_is_passphrase_required(ap, &required);
    if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("wifi_ap_is_passphrase_required failed %s", get_error_message(ret));

    ret = wifi_ap_set_passphrase(ap, "passwdpasswd");
    if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("wifi_ap_set_passphrase failed %s", get_error_message(ret));

    ret = wifi_initialize();
    if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("wifi_initialize failed %s", get_error_message(ret));

    bool activated = false;
    ret = wifi_is_activated(&activated);
    if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("wifi_is_activated failed %s", get_error_message(ret));
    if (!activated) {
        DBG("WiFi not activated");
        ret = wifi_activate(wifiActivatedCb, &ap);
        if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
            ERR("wifi_activate failed %s", get_error_message(ret));
    } else {
        DBG("WiFi activated");
        ret = wifi_connect(ap, wifiConnectedCb, NULL);
        if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) {
            ERR("wifi_connect failed %s", get_error_message(ret));




failed with message "opertion failed" error.

As almost always the error codes are totaly uselese in such cases.

Thanks in advance for help :P !!


5 Replies
Yasin Ali


Check if you added these privileges in manifest.


The Wi-Fi feature is not thread-safe and depends on the ecore main loop.
Implement Wi-Fi within the ecore main loop, and do not use it in a thread.

See link:
Section: Connecting to a Specific Access Point
function wifi_manager_connect

Hope it will help you.
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dev madrad

Hi Yasin,

The privileges are set properly - it is not th cause.

I read all you sent previously as it's a copy of tutorial.


Does any condition must be met to connect to hidden wifi? e.g. WiFi activated but not connected?

Yasin Ali

I think device distance may matter. Try keeping minimal distance.

dev madrad

This obvious that the watch must be in AP range. The distance is 1m.

Do I need to specify certificates for the connection?

Yasin Ali

Cert and accurate date time on the device sometimes solve problem.

You may try also.