
Sample project not working on Galaxy Watch

Hello!  I tried building the sample app "Bluetooth LE Service". But there is a problem with this service app.

This app looks good to working. but can't found this device bluetooth scan on phone.

I found the problem in logcat. The reason is It_adapter_le_set_advertising_tx_power_level api.


bool bt_common_set_tx_power_level(bt_advertiser_h adv_h, bt_adapter_le_packet_type_e pkt_type, bool flag)
int ret = bt_adapter_le_set_advertising_tx_power_level(adv_h, pkt_type, flag);
if (ret != BT_ERROR_NONE) {
dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Function bt_adapter_le_set_advertising_tx_power_level() failed with error: %s.", get_error_message(ret));
return false;
return true;

The bt_adapter_le_set_advertising_tx_power_level function returned the error code BT_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED.

The error log is "Function bt_adapter_le_set_advertising_tx_power_level () failed with error: Operation failed".


I tested it under various conditions, but all failed.

1. BT on vs off
2. Bluetooth connection with mobile phone vs without connection
3. Privilege ''

My devices is Galaxy watch active(SM-R500).

How to fix this operation fail error or how to see more detail log??