

Registration Failed in Push Client Sample App



I am very new to the Tizen, i was testing Push Client Sample App on Native App FrameWork. But i am not able to register my device, i am testing through Emulator and in OnPushServiceRegistered() it's giving me error E_CONNECTION_FAILED. Can anyone help me here, i need to test this app successfully. Thanks in advance.


8 Replies
Marco Buettner

To you add

On the manifest.xml as feature?

Marco Buettner

Ok I think you need this as feature on the manifest.xml

Marco Buettner

The last one have you to add on privileg tab of the manifest.xml - SORRY!

Vineet Chaturvedi

Thanks Marco for getting back on this. I have already added as Privilage and as Feature. As for connection, i have verified on Emulator browser the internet is working fine. Please let me know if i can provide you some more information.

Alex Dem

just fyi:
The pushClient native example works for 2.2.1 M0 RD-PQ and M1 devices but the same example does not work for emulator ( E_CONNECTION_FAILED, internet is working).

Mikhail Pendyukhov

Have exactly the same problem. Think this concerned with a closed tcp ports on host computer or an internet provider. Dear Tizen Team, could you explain please what tcp ports do Push Notofocations utilize?

Alex Ashirov


I experienced the same problem with proxy. But it works fine without the proxy. Can you please try with direct connection.

Mikhail Pendyukhov

Hi, Alex!

I dont use proxy server at all. But I have a corporative router that could block some inbound & outbound TCP/UDP connections. I can't know what TCP/UDP ports must I open for inbound and outbound connections for Push Notifications start to work. And thus my question is what inbound and outbound TCP/UDP ports do Push Notification use during clien/server communication (e.g. outbound TCP 8088 and UDP 3000 or something like this)?